Monday, May 19, 2008

Come For Cholent

These three little words represent the most concise invitation ever extended. They clearly state exactly what's on the menu.

Although Jewish law prohibits kindling a fire on Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath, from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) it is nevertheless considered an extra pleasure to eat a hot meal at midday on Saturday. In fact, over the centuries, throughout the world, jewish families have worked out a number of ingenious solutions for this dilemma. All involve cooking overnight at a very low heat. So, "come for cholent" is an invitation for Saturday lunch and will include a tasty dish that may include meat and potatoes, beans, barley and other vegetables or may be purely vegetarian. And, that's why and how I chose these three little words for the title of the three cookbooks I've written about cholent. And, since not a day goes without a question about cholent--what it means, how to make it, or what ingredients to include--I've decided to open that discussion by becoming a blogger.

So, let me know if you're interested and I'll share new cholent recipe ideas, which cholent I made last week or why I'm totally obsessed with cholent. I'm anxious to find new cholent cooks as well as cholent old-timers.

Remember if you eat cholent for 120 years, you'll live a long time

Kay Kantor Pomerantz
